Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring is Coming

The days are still cold, but the sun has changed--it is now spring sun. Warm and bright and promising. We set up the indoor greenhouse today. I planted three types of tomatoes- roma, purple cherokee and bradywine. These were really successful last year so I am hoping for the same success this year. Gabe planted his own flat with tomatoes, cauliflower and broccoli.
Spring sun is deceptive however, it is the promise of spring and melted snow but ah step outside and reality is that it is still freezing. Today a blustery wind kept us hiding in the house and soaking is sun spots. The kids have been enjoying doing different projects, baking, sewing both with and without a sewing machine, and just being crazy kids....

Gabe working on his first sewing project with daddy's help- a new pillowcase

Jaden playing play dough

Ben being cute

Ean , Ean , Ean what are you doing? I had filled this tote with water and the boys were playing boats in it. Gabe was building stuff out of legos to see what would float. They were having a blast. Well then I had to go nurse Ben. I heard lots of noise. Gabe and Jaden were both upstairs. So I went to check on him and this is what I found. He told me he was exercising in the water. Silly boy.

Gabe's second sewing project- another pillowcase. He sewed this one all by himself! You may wonder at the peculiar combination of material- well my sun boy chose the beach scene because he wants summer to come soon and this he says will help him think of summer when he is sleeping. He chose the camouflage --well duh its army why else???

Jaden chose a hand sewing project. So he sewed with help--he chose to start the project on a day he had no glasses (they were being sent out to have the lenses replaced) so I helped alot with aiming the needle. *gulp* He finsihed it up with hot glue later.

Our snuggly Mags kitty

We have a printer box in the house for the last week--it has provided hours of entertainment- here Gabe is pretending to be a jack in the box.

Snuggling kitty

Ean's turn

Making homemade rolls...yummy!!!

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