I think this is it. The frogs can't be wrong. I heard them all--the peepers-- I heard their chorus in the breeze a few nights ago. (It is spring.) That was our cue, time for our MAMP run (Maine Amphibian Monitoring Program). Again I say the frogs can't be wrong--there was a full chorus of wood frogs and peepers out. The music of spring. But today winter took another run at us with some raw cold and hail. The music of winter still faint in the ice on our lawn, in the fire crackling in the wood stove. I do love to watch spring and winter duke it out--mostly because I know winter will not win. In the midst of this seasonal battle we are finding absolute joy in being outside. We have made several trips to our favorite frog watching spots in hopes of catching the wood frogs mating and laying eggs.
We also explored a new state park- Riverlands with some great friends. We snowshoed a trail here in March and it was very challenging for our kids. I wanted to go back and give them the opportunity to explore it in a different season with fresh eyes. It was well worth it. Many incredible sights that were buried under three feet of snow now lay exposed to our explorations. Of special significance was a cluster of boulders that were perfectly arranged to form several small caves and tunnels. Jaden called it "2 caved rock".
And some other items of note...
Now the Easter Garden. What is that you say? I actually cannot claim this bit of genius. I recently started following Ann Voskamp's blog- A Holy Experience (I am reading her book 1000 Gifts) and as I perused her posts I came across this one for making an Easter Garden. This project spoke to my heart. Growing up we always celebrated Palm Sunday by going to a greenhouse after church and picking out a new house plant. I loved walking up and down the aisles of the greenhouse, the warm earthy moisture permeating my soul. I have always loved gardening...the roots of my passion reach down deep and old surely a gift God gave me. Now with my own young family and incredible husband we are searching for our own family "specials"--not traditions as we may not always do the same thing but our own special way to celebrate, to remember, to honor...so this year we chose an Easter Garden. The kids loved this project. They picked out their own flowers, designed a mini pond, chose rocks, seashells, playmobile animals, candles and even made their own tomb. It is really a beautiful piece of art.
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